Saturday, September 4, 2010


My Granny's 93rd birthday was this week. She spends most of her day sitting in her chair watching TV. Sometimes she goes outside to get some fresh air. Sometimes she even blows off her driveway. Can you imagine a walking stick in one hand and an electric leaf blower in the other hand? She's very proud that she can do this. She does not like loosing her independence.

I try to call her almost every day. We talk about the things she's cooking. It makes me so hungry, I usually wind up cooking some of the same things she's described later in the week. Sometimes she tells me about things that my mom and dad are doing. When she tells me some family news that I don't already know about, it makes her so happy! She loves to be the one spreading news. She calls herself the news lady. Sometimes when I'm very busy, so busy that I don't have time to read the paper, I ask her to tell me what's going on in the world. It's so much fun to listen to her report the things that she thinks are important for me to know. Sometimes she tells me stories about things that happened long ago.

When I was a little girl I remember hanging onto her neck and sitting on her back, while she sewed. I remember sitting on the counter watching her cook. When I was very young, I remember her rocking me back and forth, back and forth, singing swing low, sweet chariot, coming for to carry me home.......and rock of ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee.....I remember her cooking scrambled eggs, hash browns, and toast over a campfire when she and grandaddy took me camping. I remember listening to records and dancing in her living room. I remember her taking me to watch wrestling. She and my grandaddy loved wrestling and they especially loved to watch it live. I have lots of special memories of my granny. But the most important one of all is that she loves, loves, loves family. Spending time with her family is THE most important thing to her in the world. I try to spend a little time with her each day, even if it's on the phone. I know she loves it.

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