Monday, September 13, 2010


Today was a long of those that started at 7:00 AM and then ended at 8:30 PM for both my husband and myself. I don't mind working long days, but it really helps when you work with great people. I sat around a big conference table today with seven very conscientious people. They worked diligently all day. They will come back and work again tomorrow, and we'll continue to work together on this project until we are finished.

Late this afternoon, I went back to my office to prepare for the second part of my day, when to my surprise, I found a beautiful metal piece of art work. When I first noticed it, I thought it was a plate rack. It was about the size of some of the plate racks in my house. When I lifted it up, I noticed that it was a word...."BLESSINGS". I was quite simply, awed. Awed that someone would see this and think, I'm going to buy this for someone, because she needs to have it. It's not my birthday. It's not even a special occasion. No matter how long the days are, it's pretty easy to keep on keeping on, when you know you have friends like this. Thank you, sweet friend for your thoughtfulness, you are truly one of my BLESSINGS!

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