Saturday, February 6, 2010

Idiom: Count Your Blessings

When people count their blessings they focus on all the good things in their lives instead of the negative ones. Here are the good things that came my way today:

1. It's Saturday
2. No alarm clock going off
3. No appointments to meet
4. Went to Chattanooga with Danny :)
5. Ate lunch at Nikki's in Chattanooga--hamburger and onion rings!
6. Had time to focus on editing my dissertation without distractions
7. Tomorrow is Sunday....a day of rest...... more time to work on editing!
8. Talked to Aubree :)

1 comment:

  1. Nikki's is an awesome place to eat! I used to live less than a mile from there, and we'd go there a lot. And I'll count the no alarm going off as one of my blessings too.
