Sunday, October 10, 2010

Counting My Blessings

1. Having a supportive husband. For example, recently when discussing a trip to visit our daughter, he said, "I can't go. But I want you to go visit her." When I said, "Won't you be sad that I'm going and you aren't?" He responded, "I wish I could go too...but, I'm glad you can go visit our daughter and spend time with her."

2. Having a son-in-law that would let me spend a whole week dominating his wife's life.

3. Having a daughter who would let me go to work everyday with her.....who would let me catch a glimpse of her everyday a teacher....a wife....and as a friend.

4. All my luggage arrived safely and on for the trip home to be as wonderful....hope it makes it to my next list of "blessings counted".

1 comment:

  1. glad your trip was so good. can't wait to hear about the highlights. we enjoyed seeing your hubby friday night.
