Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blessings...number 1, 2, and 3

1. Blessing number one--Danny. Not many people can say that they married their high school sweetheart, but I can. Of course, he was the only guy my dad would let me date! Ha! Ha! We've been married for 32 years. Life's been good to us. We have been blessed with good friends and good times. But mostly....by the greatest joy in our life, our daughter. Which leads me to....

2. Blessing number two--Aubree. We were married for 10 years before we had her. She's our one and only! When she was born we knew we had been blessed with the greatest joy....an overwhelming love of your life kind of joy. She wrapped her daddy around her little finger within just a few seconds of life on this earth.....and this bond has only deepened through the years.

3. Blessing number three---Bob Michael. For those of you who know me, you know that I have been working on my PhD for the past six years. A PhD program from Georgia State University is not for the faint at heart. It doesn't come without a lot of costs--physical, mental, and financial exhaustion! Not to mention a drain of energy and patience.....all at your family's expense. Bob Michael, Dean of the College of Education at North Georgia College and State University is supporting me in this last phase of edits before I defend my dissertation. I'm not sure I could finish without him. I'm still not convinced I really will finish. I'll believe it, when it happens.


  1. Awesome blessings in your life!!!! Sweet post...

  2. i have enjoyed reading your blog. you guys have been such a blessing to chris and me both! please come back to hab!
